Gen 32:24, Hosea 12:4
An angel wrestled with Jacob and put his shoulder out of joint?
| False | True |
Jacob wrestled with an angel
| False | True |
What animals had their mouths closed by an angel, saving Daniel's life?
| Bears | Snakes | Lions | Wolves |
When the apostles were imprisoned by the high priest, at what time of day did the angel release them?
| Dawn | Night | Sunset | Midday |
When Elijah fled from Jezebel into the wilderness what did an angel provide him with to eat, giving him 40 days of strength?
| Cake | Fish | Cheese | Pot of broth |
Who was the first person recorded as being visited by an angel?
| Sarai | Abram | Adam | Hagar |
How did the angel of the Lord first appear to Moses?
| In a cloud on Mount Sinai | In a dream | In a burning bush | A man sitting by the side of the road |
Whose donkey could see angel in the road, but he could not?
| Ahab | Saul | Balaam | Moses |
Who did an angel stop from sacrificing his own son on a mountain in Moriah?
| Joshua | David | Abraham | Adam |
Who did an angel tell to place meat and unleavened cakes on a rock?
| Samson | Elisha | Moses | Gideon |