Lev 14:37
When leprosy covered the whole body the leper was considered to be clean. True or false?
| True | False |
There will be a temple in New Jerusalem. True or False?
| True | False |
Elisha is mentioned in the New Testament. True or False?
| False | True |
True or False: According to Joel, the Day of the Lord would be a day of cheerfulness and light.
| False | True |
What does Zechariah see in a vision that destroys the houses of thieves and liars?
| Four great beasts | A green dragon with ten horns | A thirty foot flying roll | A wheel with eight spokes and an eye in the centre |
Which prophet did the young maid of Naaman's wife suggest could heal Naaman of his leprosy?
| Elisha | Isaiah | Jeremiah | Elijah |
Whose donkey could see angel in the road, but he could not?
| Ahab | Saul | Moses | Balaam |
What bird could poor people use for sacrifices if they could not afford lambs?
| Cuckoo | Ravens | Sparrows | Pigeons |
Which person, who hid their true identity, had a name reflecting this?
| Paul | Jacob | Esther | Sarah |
Which mountain do the Samaritans claim as the true mountain of God?
| Sinai | Carmel | Hermon | Gerizim |