Gen 16:1-12
Who is the only person recorded as being placed in a coffin when they died?
| Abraham | Joseph | Herod | Nebuchadnezzar |
Who was the first person recorded as getting drunk?
| Pharaoh | Lot | Reuben | Noah |
Who was the first person in the Bible recorded as getting drunk?
| Adam | Abraham | Lot | Noah |
When Hagar was visited by an angel what did he find her by?
| Tree | Rock | Spring | Cave |
What was the name of the angel who visited Zacharias?
| Seraphiel | Cassiel | Michael | Gabriel |
What happened to the first person who stepped into the pool of Bethesda after an angel stirred up the water?
| He was taken up into heaven | He was healed of any illness | He was given the Holy Spirit | He spoke in tongues |
Who is the only person in Genesis recorded as living less than 120 years?
| Moses | Jacob | Isaac | Joseph |
What did David do when he visited King Achish in Gath?
| He killed the king | He gave the king a gift | He offered him his friendship | He pretended to be insane |
Who became blind when Paul visited him at Paphos because of his attempt to turn the ruler, Sergius Paulus, away from the Word of God?
| Simeon | Elymas | Herod | Agabus |
What did the shepherds do after they had visited Jesus?
| Went home | Went back to looking after their sheep | Spread the news about Jesus' birth | Went to buy Jesus presents |