He had gone to Bethlehem for a family gathering
1 Sam 20:5-6
Who hid himself in a field while the king ate a feast at new moon?
| Jeremiah | Ezekiel | David | Micah |
After the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, to which city did God tell David to move?
| Ziklag | Jericho | Jerusalem | Hebron |
With what stage of the moon cycle does the Feast of Trumpets coincide?
| Full | Half | Quarter | New |
Why wasn't David allowed to build God's house?
| Because of his sin with Bathsheba | Because he didn't have enough money | Because he was a man of war | Because he wasn't a builder |
Which animals did Saul's father tell him to search for?
| Horses | Pigs | Sheep | Donkeys |
What did Jonathan eat, despite Saul telling his troops that they were not to eat it until they were victorious?
| Bread | Milk | Lamb | Honeycomb |
David's friend Jonathan was the son of which king?
| Solomon | Saul | Jehoshaphat | Hezekiah |
Who wanted to kill Jesus when he was a baby?
| Caesar | John the Baptist | The wise men | Herod |