He saw her take a bath, and saw she was beautiful
2 Sam 11:2
With whom did David commit adultery?
| Michal | Bathsheba | Athaliah | Abigail |
Thou shalt not commit adultery is which of the Ten Commandments?
| 8th | 10th | 7th | 9th |
Who did God send to rebuke David for his dealings with Uriah and Bathsheba?
| Absalom | Joab | Zadok | Nathan |
Bathsheba was David's first wife
| False | True |
What was Bathsheba doing when David first saw her?
| Brushing her hair | Cooking a meal | Washing herself | Playing with her children |
Whose father was prepared to sacrifice him on an altar?
| Isaac | Samson | Joshua | Moses |
Which new city came down from heaven prepared as a bride?
| Nazareth | Bethlehem | Babylon | Jerusalem |
When must we be prepared for Christ to return?
| Not at all | During the night | During the day | At any time |
Which Parable is this from? : Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
| Ten virgins | Vineyard workers | Sheep and goats | Marriage feast |