Neh 1:11
What service did Nehemiah perform for King Artaxerxes?
| Cupbearer | Guard | Chef | Baker |
Which king was Nehemiah sad in the presence of?
| Abijam | Darius | Artaxerxes | Balak |
The Gibeonites tricked Joshua into making a covenant of peace, but as what did he make them serve the Israelites?
| Shepherds and fishermen | Brick makers and messengers | Woodcutters and water-carriers | Stone-carriers and armour-bearers |
Why did the Pharisees deride Jesus when he said, "You cannot serve God and mammon,"?
| They were covetous | They wanted to draw attention away from Jesus | They were selfish | They disliked it when Jesus told parables |
Who said "no servant can serve two masters"?
| Paul | Peter | Jesus | Timothy |
Name two false gods of Canaan, to serve whom the Israelites "forsook the Lord"
| Baal and Ashtaroth | Chemosh and Milcom | Anubis and Ra | Dagon and Molech |