Judges 13:15
Who was buried with his father, Manoah?
How many days did God give Noah to prepare before the floodwaters came after announcing he would send rain?
| Three days | Ten days | Forty days | Seven days |
Nicodemus helped prepare the body of Jesus for burial?
| False | True |
What god did the Philistines offer sacrifices to?
| Diana | Astarte | Dagon | Baal |
What sacrifice did Mary and Joseph offer when the days of purification were complete after Jesus' birth?
| Two turtledoves or pigeons | A young lamb and two pigeons | A young lamb | A young goat |
Before his children’s deaths, how often did Job offer sacrifices for them?
| Every morning | After their feasts | On the Sabbath | Once a year |
What was Samson's offer of reward if the Philistines could solve his riddle?
| Clothing | Silver | Land | Sheep |
How did the angel of the Lord first appear to Moses?
| In a dream | In a burning bush | In a cloud on Mount Sinai | A man sitting by the side of the road |
On which mountain did the angel of the Lord appear to Moses from the burning bush?