Gen 30:14 - In Hebrew mandrakes are known as "love-plants" or "love-apples".
Who during the wheat harvest found mandrakes in the field and gave them to Leah?
| Judah | Simeon | Benjamin | Reuben |
Which one of these children was not born to Leah?
| Benjamin | Simeon | Levi | Zebulun |
Who deceived Jacob by giving Leah as a wife instead of Rachel?
| Lot | Isaac | Laban | Terah |
Who gave birth to a son, following her prayer to God in the temple, during which the priest accused her of drunkenness?
| Hannah | Rebekah | Rachel | Elisabeth |
What did Rachel steal from her father, Laban, when she left home with her husband Jacob?
| Laban's family jewels | Laban's household gods | Laban's money | Laban's favourite camel |