Gen 7:6 - He had been around for quite sometime before the flood waters came!
What was the first thing Noah built when he came out of the ark?
| Altar | House | Tabernacle | Stable |
How many days did God give Noah to prepare before the floodwaters came after announcing he would send rain?
| Forty days | Three days | Seven days | Ten days |
Noah was 600 years old when he boarded the ark
| False | True |
What Old Testament prophet was a shepherd who came from Tekoa?
| Amos | Nahum | Zechariah | Micah |
Jesus quotes a portion of text from the Old Testament in connection with the parable of the vineyard owner, The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:, but which Old Testament book did this come from?
| Jeremiah | Ezekiel | Isaiah | Psalms |
It rained for ____ days and nights causing a great flood in the time of Noah
What was the first bird that Noah let out of the ark?
| Raven | Eagle | Duck | Dove |
What did Noah construct in faith that saved him and his household?
| Ark | Tent | Temple | Altar |