How many times does Noah's name appear in the Bible (KJV)?
| 30 | 47 | 58 | 64 |
What is the most commonly used alternative to "dragons" in versions other than the KJV?
| Serpents | Jackals | Whales | Hyenas |
Who said "the grave is mine house"? (KJV)
Does the word faith appear more times in the Old or New Testament?
| Old Testament | New Testament |
What is sanctified by the word of God and prayer?
| God's creation | Prophecy | Oil | Sacrifices |
How many times a day did Aaron burn incense on the altar of incense?
| Four | Three | One | Two |
How many times did Elijah stretch himself over the widow's dead son before he was revived?
| One | Two | Four | Three |
How many times did Noah send out the dove?
| Four | Three | Two | One |
How many times did Peter deny Jesus before the rooster crowed?
| Three | Four | One | Two |