How long did it take Solomon to build his own house?
| 13 years | 10 years | 20 years | 7 years |
Who helped Solomon with his building projects?
| Hiram king of Tyre | Hazael king of Syria | Benhadad king of Assyria | Jeroboam king of Israel |
What was Solomon famous for building?
| Ship | Altar | Temple | Palace |
Under the Law, for how long was a newly wed man free from public duties?
| 1 Month | 7 Years | 6 Months | 1 Year |
Who was told to take large stones and bury them underneath the pavement outside the entrance to Pharaoh's palace?
| Aaron | Moses | Jeremiah | Isaiah |
Which king dreamt of a large statue of a man made from different metals?
| Belshazzar | Nebuchadnezzar | Cyrus | Darius |
On whose threshing floor did God instruct David to build an altar?
| Othniel's | Araunah's | Naboth's | Hannah's |
Why did Elijah choose 12 stones to build his altar?
| One for each gate of the temple | One for each tribe of Israel | That's all he could find | The number of years Ahab had reigned |
Who did God instruct to build an ark to ensure his survival?
| Noah | Jonah | Isaac | Seth |
In which city in Judah did Cyrus tell the Israelites to build the temple?
| Bethel | Jerusalem | Bethlehem | Shiloh |