The widow's son
Luke 7:13-15
Jesus was in the tomb for ____ days before he was resurrected
How many men walked with the resurrected Jesus on the road to Emmaus?
| Five | Two | Seven | Eleven |
On what day of the week was Christ resurrected?
| 3rd | 7th | 1st | 6th |
Who was the first person recorded as being visited by an angel?
| Hagar | Adam | Sarai | Abram |
Who was the first person to be tied up?
| Simeon | Isaac | Joseph | Samson |
Who was the first person recorded as getting drunk?
| Reuben | Lot | Pharaoh | Noah |
Who was the first person to mention frost?
| Aaron | Jacob | Joseph | Joshua |
Who was the first person described as having a dream?
| Abimelech | Joseph | Abraham | Pharaoh |
Who was the first person in the Bible recorded as getting drunk?
| Noah | Lot | Abraham | Adam |
In the parable of the Good Samaritan who was the first person to pass by the man who had been beaten up?
| A Levite | A Priest | A Pharisee | A Samaritan |