Jud 4:4 - Also the only female judge
Which female judge described herself as "a mother in Israel"?
| Mary | Deborah | Julia | Rahab |
Who was the only female judge?
| Keziah | Jemimah | Sarah | Deborah |
Who was the first judge of Israel?
| Gideon | Samson | Othniel | Ehud |
Ehud was the first judge of Israel
| True | False |
Whose name means "my judge is God"?
| Daniel | Samuel | Jaaziel | Ezekiel |
Which judge had a name meaning "the cutter down"?
| Barak | Jephthah | Samson | Gideon |
Which judge was betrayed to the Philistines by a woman?
| Samson | Barak | Joshua | Jephthah |
Who advised Moses that it was too burdensome for him to personally judge everyone's matters and to appoint judges instead?
| Aaron | Eleazar | Jethro | Phinehas |
Which of the following was not a judge?
| Deborah | Samson | Laban | Jephthah |