The nail marks in Jesus' hands
John 20:24-25 - Thomas did not believe on the testimony of the other ten disciples.
What did Thomas want to see before he would believe that Jesus had been raised?
| The spear wound | The tomb clothes | The nail imprints | The thorn imprints |
What did Jesus eat to convince the disciples that he was indeed raised from the dead?
| Roast lamb | Fish and honeycomb | Unleavened bread | Locusts and milk |
Which woman, who was full of good works and acts of charity, was raised from the dead by Peter at Lydda?
| Elizabeth | Diana | Eunice | Tabitha |
Raised from the dead - which is the odd one out?
| Eutychus | Lazarus | Jairus | Jesus |
Where was Lazarus raised from the dead?
| Bethany | Bethphage | Emmaus | Jericho |
Many of the chief rulers privately believed in Jesus. Why did they not confess this belief publicly?
| They thought the Pharisees would tell the Roman soldiers | They were afraid the Pharisees would put them out of the synagogue | They thought the Pharisees would ridicule them | They were afraid the Pharisees would publicly denounce them |
The disciple Thomas was also known as Didymus, but what does this mean?
| Doubter | Wise | Faithful | Twin |
How many believed and were baptised at Pentecost?
| 5000 | 10000 | 3000 | 30000 |