Luke 2:32 - though you have to look back to v25 to see who is speaking.
Who said that he saw a vision from the Almighty God and fell into a trance but had his eyes open?
| Moses | Elisha | Balaam | Paul |
The elderly widowed prophetess in Jerusalem, who saw Jesus as a baby was?
| Tabitha | Salome | Anna | Rachel |
Where did Jesus say that those in Judea should flee to when they saw the abomination of desolation set up?
| Bethlehem | The River Jordan | The coast | The mountains |
Who gave thanks to the Lord when they saw the baby Jesus?
| Anna the Prophetess | Simeon | Herod | The shepherds |
What was the name of the old prophetess who saw Jesus in the temple when he was presented to the Lord after his birth?
| Huldah | Deborah | Hannah | Anna |
What did John the Baptist say when he saw Jesus?
| Behold the Saviour of the world! | Hosanna in the highest! | Behold the Lamb of God! | You are the true Son of God |
When the disciples saw Jesus walking on water, what did they think he was?
| A Pharisee | A seller of purple | A magician | A ghost |
Jesus saw Zacchaeus up a sycamore tree in Jericho
| True | False |