Jonah 4:8 - In addition to the hot sun this was virtually intolerable and Jonah felt faint.
Which direction was the window facing that the arrow was shot out of?
| North | South | East | West |
Proverbs speaks of life as a "chasing after the wind"
| False | True |
Jesus quotes a portion of text from the Old Testament in connection with the parable of the vineyard owner, The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:, but which Old Testament book did this come from?
| Ezekiel | Psalms | Jeremiah | Isaiah |
From which country did Bildad come?
| Shuhah | Teman | Ephraim | Naamath |
On which mountain did the ark come to rest?
| Sinai | Carmel | Horeb | Ararat |
Which city did God ask Jonah to go to?
| Bethlehem | Tarshish | Nineveh | Joppa |
Which city did Jonah attempt to flee to instead?
| Bethlehem | Joppa | Tarshish | Nineveh |
Which city did Jonah try to run to instead of going to Nineveh as God had commanded?
| Babylon | Jerusalem | Tarshish | Damascus |