Josh 10:11
When Jonathan came across a Philistine garrison what natural phenomenon accompanied his attack?
| Hailstones | Darkness | Thunder | Earthquake |
Job compares his friends' help to what unreliable natural phenomenon?
| A crumbling mountain | A dry stream | A fleeting breeze | A setting sun |
What weapons did Gideon use to defeat the Midianites?
| Swords and shields | Trumpets, pitchers and lamps | The ark of God and flaming torches | Spears |
How did David defeat Goliath?
| He threw a stone from his sling | He won a sword fight | He threw a spear at him | He threw a burning torch at him |
Under the law, when laying siege to a city, what natural food source was to be spared from destruction?
| Sheep | Crop fields | Fruit trees | Honey |
What natural disaster struck Job's sheep before they were destroyed?
| Killed by thieves | Attacked by wolves | Drowned in a flood | Fire from the sky |
Nicodemus helped prepare the body of Jesus for burial?
| False | True |
Joseph helped interpret the dreams of a farmer and a baker while in prison?
| True | False |
Who came to Peter late at night and helped him escape?
| Herod | Timothy | Jesus | An angel |