A pillar of cloud and of fire
Exo 13:21
What guided Israel by night during their time in the wilderness?
| Glowing sword | Pillar of fire | Angel of the Lord | Moon |
Name one of the items that the Israelites were given to eat in the wilderness
For how many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?
| 50 | 40 | 30 | 20 |
Which king of Hesbon would not let the Israelites pass through his land?
| Bashan | Jahaz | Og | Sihon |
What sea did the Israelites cross through to escape the Egyptians?
| Sea of Galilee | Red Sea | Black Sea | Dead Sea |
What was the name of the sea that the Israelites escaped through?
| Dead Sea | Sea of Galilee | Black Sea | Red Sea |
When Elijah fled from Jezebel into the wilderness what did an angel provide him with to eat, giving him 40 days of strength?
| Cheese | Pot of broth | Fish | Cake |
Israel wandered in the wilderness for ____ years
Jesus spent ____ days and nights in the wilderness being tempted
What was Jesus tempted to turn into bread while he fasted in the wilderness?
| Stones | Dust of the ground | His sandals | Cacti |