Under the fig tree
John 1:48
To whom did Jesus say "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God"?
| Nicodemus | John | Nathanael | Peter |
What did Thomas want to see before he believed Jesus was raised from the dead?
| The Holy Spirit appearing | Jesus appearing before him | The nail marks in Jesus' hands | Jesus' empty tomb |
What tree did Zaccheus climb to see Jesus?
| Oak | Sycamore | Beech | Pine |
What did Thomas want to see before he would believe that Jesus had been raised?
| The tomb clothes | The nail imprints | The spear wound | The thorn imprints |
Who was the tax collector that climbed up a tree so he could see Jesus?
| Zacchaeus | Lazarus | Timothy | Matthew |
Who came to see Jesus by night?
| Nicodemus | Caiaphas | Joseph of Arimathea | Annas |
Who climbed up a sycamore tree to see Jesus?
| Peter | Zacchaeus | Paul | Cornelius |
Nicodemus came to see Jesus at night
| True | False |
How many baskets did Pharaoh's baker see in his dream?
| 6 | 3 | 12 | 2 |
What did Elijah's servant see from Mt Carmel on the seventh time he looked out to sea?
| An angel | A boat | A cloud | An island |