He that is without sin, let him first cast a stone
John 8:7
Who when accused of being with Jesus lied and said that he did not know him, three times?
| A Roman centurion | Barnabas | Peter | Paul |
Jesus accused the Pharisees of hypocritically paying tithes on herbs, and omitting which weightier matters of the law?
| Almsgiving, hospitality, and cheerfulness | Judgment, mercy, and faith | Sacrifice, obedience, and love | Purity, godliness, and humility |
Where did Jesus say that those in Judea should flee to when they saw the abomination of desolation set up?
| The River Jordan | The mountains | The coast | Bethlehem |
Who gave birth to a son, following her prayer to God in the temple, during which the priest accused her of drunkenness?
| Rebekah | Rachel | Hannah | Elisabeth |
Which Parable is this from? : Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
| Vineyard workers | Ten virgins | Marriage feast | Sheep and goats |
How should we treat those who are our enemies, according to Jesus?
| Show your enemies the love of God | An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth | Love your enemies, bless them that curse you | Hate them with righteous anger |
How did Korah and his family die after seeking priesthood duties beyond those they already had?
| They were swallowed up by the earth | They were consumed by fire | The mountain crumbled beneath their feet and they fell | They were trampled by seven yoke of oxen |
What did the tribes east of the Jordan do to incur the wrath of those to the west?
| Took possession of the River Jordan | Worshipped other gods | Built an altar | Took wives from other countries |
To provide for those in need, what did the early believers do?
| Collect taxes | Sell possessions and goods | Organize fundraisers | Set up trade agreements |
In the Bible or Not? : "Too long have I lived among those who hate peace."
| Bible | Not |