A band of men and officers
What was the name of a man who was given the Spirit of God, to enable him to become a good craftsman, and assist with the building of the tabernacle?
| Bezaleel | Uri | Buz | Caleb |
What did Jesus say the priests had turned his house of prayer into?
| A house of evil | A den of thieves | A place of rogues | A temple of drunkards |
What provoked Jesus to say to the Pharisees, "he that is without sin, let him first cast a stone."
| They accused Jesus' disciples of doing work on the Sabbath day | They brought him a woman taken in the act of adultery | They brought him a man caught in the act of stealing a loaf of bread | They objected to Jesus associating with harlots |
What did Jesus say when the Pharisees asked why he ate with publicans and sinners?
| They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. | God uses the weak things of the world to bring forth strength. | Go thou, and do likewise. | Birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. |
Who, at the trial of Peter and John, kept them from being punished by the rulers and priests?
| The healed lame man | Paul | Stephen | High priest |
Whose ear was cut off with a sword at the arrest of Jesus?
| Peter | Mark | Judas Iscariot | Servant of the High Priest |
Many of the chief rulers privately believed in Jesus. Why did they not confess this belief publicly?
| They thought the Pharisees would tell the Roman soldiers | They were afraid the Pharisees would put them out of the synagogue | They thought the Pharisees would ridicule them | They were afraid the Pharisees would publicly denounce them |
Which garden did Jesus go to pray in before his arrest?
| Eden | Babylon | Gethsemane | Galilee |