Healing of the blind man by covering his eyes in clay
When the Pharisees asked Jesus whether it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, what object did he use to answer their question?
| A handful of wheat | The scroll of Isaiah | A tax collectors bag | A penny |
What miracle had Jesus performed when he said, "It is I; be not afraid"?
| Healing of Peter's mother-in-law | Raising of Lazarus | Opening of the eyes of the man born blind | Walking on water |
What was the first miracle performed by Elisha?
| Oil for widow | Parting of the river Jordan | Healing Naaman | Raising woman's son |
The clothes of Jesus were divided among the soldiers five ways?
| True | False |
The river that flowed out of Eden divided into four rivers
| False | True |
Which gospel records the fewest of the miracles performed by Jesus?
| Matthew | Luke | John | Mark |
Where did people gather as the apostles performed signs and wonders?
| The Temple Stairs | Solomon's Porch | The Sheep Market | The Beautiful Gate |
Why did the Pharisees deride Jesus when he said, "You cannot serve God and mammon,"?
| They wanted to draw attention away from Jesus | They were covetous | They were selfish | They disliked it when Jesus told parables |
What miracle did Jesus perform at the marriage in Cana?
| Walked on water | Turned water into wine | Healed Peter's mother-in-law | Fig tree withered away |
Who was the first of the apostles to perform a miracle in the name of Jesus?
| Peter | Philip | Paul | John |