Judges 6
Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground, but what river did they also cross on dry ground?
To whom did God say, "Cursed is the ground for thy sake"?
How did God describe the ground after Adam's sin?
| Blessed | Neutral | Fruitful | Cursed |
What did God smell that made Him decide not to curse the ground again?
| The pleasing aroma of Noah's sacrifice | The fragrance of the olive leaf | The flowers on the earth | The scent of the clean animals |
What sign did God give as a reminder of His covenant with Noah?
| A dove | A rainbow | An olive branch | A pillar of fire |
What part of Moses became leprous as a sign from God?
| Foot | Hand | Chest | Beard |
What item does Gideon ask God to put dew on overnight while the earth around it remained dry?
| A round cheese | A fleece of wool | A linen cloth | A hide from a goat |
By what object did Jesus meet the woman of Samaria?
What sign did the betrayer give that Jesus was the man the multitude wanted?
| He pointed | A slap | A kiss | He gave him a lighted torch |
Which prophet did Jesus refer to when some of the Scribes and Pharisees asked for a sign?
| Jonah | Elisha | Elijah | Moses |