A wall fell on them
1 Ki 20:30
Whose sons took the Ark of the Covenant into battle against the Philistines?
| Kohath's | Eleazar's | Aaron's | Eli's |
Which respected Pharisee advised the Jews to let the apostles alone because if their message was truly from God, no man could fight against them?
| Annas | Gabriel | Caiaphas | Gamaliel |
Children in the region of what age were to be killed, in the hope that Jesus would also be killed?
| 6 months and under | 3 years and under | 2 years and under | 1 year and under |
18 people where killed by the Tower of Zion falling on them
| True | False |
Jesus took ____ loaves and two fishes to feed the 5,000
At the feeding of the 5,000, how many fish did they have?
| 8 | 4 | 2 | 6 |
1,000 people died in a fire at which tower after Abimelech told his men to each cut down a branch and carry it on their shoulders?
| Shechem | Hananel | Penuel | Lebanon |