Acts 3
Jesus healed the lame man at the temple's Beautiful Gate
| True | False |
What was the name of the temple gate at which the lame man was laid daily?
| East gate | Golden gate | Beautiful gate | Upper gate |
After Peter's address at the temple following the healing of the lame man, approximately how many men became believers?
| 700 | 3000 | 5000 | 1500 |
Who is the only woman who was described as being both beautiful and intelligent?
| Abigail | Martha | Mary | Sarah |
After the exile, the Israelites returned and started to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, but which other prophet along with Zechariah was sent to encourage the completion of the partly built temple?
| Joel | Obadiah | Haggai | Amos |
Which part of Peter was supposedly able to heal people?
| His shadow | His feet | His ears | His hands |
In which city did Paul heal the man who was crippled from birth?
| Jericho | Lystra | Antioch | Damascus |
How did Jesus heal the blind man?
| He said the word and he was healed | He anointed his eyes with clay and told him to wash | He anointed his eyes with oil | He touched his eyes and scales fell off them |
Who, at the trial of Peter and John, kept them from being punished by the rulers and priests?
| High priest | Paul | Stephen | The healed lame man |