Revelation 9 - For background to the plague of locusts see Exodus 10:1-20. Joel 1:2-2:11 interprets the locust plague as a foreshadowing of the devastations that accompany the day of the Lord.
What was the first plague upon Egpyt?
| Water into blood | Locusts | Death of the first born | Frogs |
What proportion of the sun, moons and stars was darkened by the fourth angel sounding the trumpet in Revelation?
| 2/3 | 1/2 | 1/3 | 1/4 |
What was the second plague on Egpyt?
God created birds and fish on the fifth day of creation
| True | False |
What was the ninth plague brought upon Egypt?
The tenth plague upon Egypt was the death of the firstborn
| True | False |
Ruth appears in the book of Ruth and also one other book. Which one?
Other than in Exodus, in which other book of the Bible can we find the Ten Commandments recorded?
| Numbers | Genesis | Leviticus | Deuteronomy |
Complete the Bible reference : Thou shalt have no other gods before me. (Exodus Ch __ vs 3)