Jdg 1:13 / Josh 15:13 - Othniel was from the family of Caleb of Judah. Ibzan may possibly have been from Judah but is perhaps more likely to be from Bethlehem in Zebulun, not Judah, we don't know.
What tribe was given a portion of Judah as their inheritance?
| Asher | Benjamin | Simeon | Ephraim |
How does David refer to the tribe of Judah in the Psalms?
| His triumph | The strength of his head | His lawgiver | His washpot |
What was the only tribe not to receive an inheritance?
| Levi | Manasseh | Reuben | Issachar |
Who was the only female judge?
| Deborah | Keziah | Sarah | Jemimah |
Who is the only woman we hear of reigning as queen regnant in Israel or Judah?
| Jezebel | Hephzibah | Bathsheba | Athaliah |
In the Bible or Not? : "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
| Bible | Not |
Which tribe was Saul from?
| Simeon | Benjamin | Dan | Judah |
Which judge had a name meaning "the cutter down"?
| Samson | Gideon | Jephthah | Barak |