In your closet with the door shut
What was Daniel's punishment for continuing to pray to God when Darius commanded no-one should pray to anyone except him?
| He was beaten and thrown into a pit | He was thrown into a den of lions | He was exiled | He was executed |
Which of these was a place where the hypocrites loved to pray?
| On the temple steps | Standing in synagogues | On rooftops | In the marketplace |
Whose father was so pleased to see him that he gave him the best robe and killed the fatted calf?
| Joseph | Jacob | Isaac | Prodigal son |
After finding no godly men in the land, to what did Micah compare the best of them?
| A mouldy fig | A serpent in the grass | A brier | A gnat |
Vashti is best associated with being...?
| Queen of Persia | Another name for Esther | Mordecai's cousin |
In the Bible or Not? : "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."
| Bible | Not |
Name the garden in which Jesus went to pray before he was arrested
Fill in the missing word(s) : Pray for the peace of _____: they shall propser that love thee
Two men went up to the temple to pray, a Pharisee and who else?
| Gentile | Publican | Scribe | Jew |
When in prison at what time did they pray & sing?
| Third watch | Noon | Midnight | Ninth hour |