Bible Trivia Question

Paul, Timothy and who else sent their greetings to Thessalonica?



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| King's war plans | Vineyard owner | Rich fool | Unjust judge |

Which Book? : This book of the Bible is a letter written by the apostle Paul which includes many expressions of rejoicing and joyfulness. Paul also tells his audience that every knee should bow at the name of Jesus. He also particularly commends Timothy and Epaphroditus.

Which Parable is this from? : The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.
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What did Paul do when he couldn't bear to be away from the brethren at Thessalonica any longer?
| Sailed from Athens to visit them | Sent Timothy to encourage them | Prayed for God to comfort him | Wrote them a letter |

Why did Paul see fit to give thanks to God always for the brethren at Thessalonica?
| Their love toward each other had increased | They had sent Paul a gift while he was in prison | They had treated Paul well | Their work in the Lord's vineyard was fruitful |

In which city did Silas and Timothy meet up with Paul?
| Corinth | Rome | Athens | Antioch |

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Which two provinces looked up to Thessalonica as an example?
| Macedonia & Achaia | Greece & Pamphylia | Lycia & Phrygia | Asia & Pisidia |

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