The day is not known
When must we be prepared for Christ to return?
| During the day | Not at all | At any time | During the night |
What will happen to the believers alive at the return of Christ?
| They will be made like the angels | They will be led before the judgment throne | They will be caught up together in the clouds | They will be taken up to the gates of heaven |
Who was warned in a dream not to return to Herod?
| The wise men | Joseph and Mary | Pontius Pilate | John the Baptist |
How did Elijah return to Jezreel from Mt Carmel?
| Whirlwind | Ran | Donkey | Chariot |
What did Judas get in return for the betrayal of Jesus?
| 5 camels | A gold crown | 10 gold coins | 30 silver pieces |
Who thanked King David for allowing his son Absalom to return to Jerusalem?
| Abishai | Absalom himself | The wise woman of Tekoah | Joab |
Which king decreed that the Jews could return to their land to rebuild the temple?
| Artaxerxes | Darius | Sheshbazzar | Cyrus |
The angels knew when Jesus was going to return from heaven
| False | True |
Which Parable is this from? : Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.' And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order.
| Budding fig tree | Watching servants | Unclean spirit | Leaven |