Bible Trivia Question

Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into a fiery furnace

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Why were Daniel's three friends thrown into the fiery furnace?
| They wouldn't bow down to Nebuchadnezzar's golden image | They continued to pray to their own God | They could not interpret the king's dreams | They would not eat the king's meat |

Nebuchadnezzar ordered ____ men to be thrown into the fiery furnace, but they were protected from harm by God

Who was the fourth person in the fiery furnace?
| An angel | Daniel | Mordecai | The Devil |

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| Darius | Og | Saul | Eglon |

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| Jehoiachin's | Malchiah's | Baruch's | Neriah's |

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| Blasphemy | Theft | Rape | Murder |

Whose prayer resulted in his being thrown into a den of lions?
| Daniel | Darius | Dagon | David |

Who was thrown into the den of lions?
| Shadrach | Meshach | Abednego | Daniel |

Who prayed for the fiery serpents to be taken away from Israel?
| Joshua | Aaron | Abraham | Moses |

For how many days were Daniel and his friends tested on a diet of vegetables and water?
| 10 | 7 | 3 | 14 |

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