Matt 24 - "not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only"
Who knew a man who had been caught up to the "third heaven"?
How many angels appeared with the disciples as Jesus ascended to heaven?
| Three | One | Four | Two |
What courtyard was Peter sitting in when he denied he knew Jesus to the servant girl?
| Garden of Gethsemane | Temple | High Priest's | Pharisees' |
The tomb was guarded by two angels to stop the body of Jesus being stolen?
| True | False |
What was the sign that the angels gave to the shepherds, so that they would recognise Jesus?
| Found in a stable, with a star shining above it | Wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger | Wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying among donkeys | Found in a stable, lying in a manger |
After the last supper, what did Jesus and his disciples do before going to the Mount of Olives?
| Read the prophecy of Daniel | Sung a hymn | Changed their shoes | Offered a sacrifice |
As Jesus entered a village while going between Samaria and Galilee, how many lepers did he meet?
| Four | Seven | Eighteen | Ten |
What did Judas get in return for the betrayal of Jesus?
| 5 camels | 30 silver pieces | 10 gold coins | A gold crown |
What city did Lot convince the angels to let him escape to after rescuing him from Sodom?
| Zair | Zoar | Zoba | Ziph |
In Revelation, how many angels were given trumpets?
| Eleven | Five | Seven | Two |