Isa 8
The elderly widowed prophetess in Jerusalem, who saw Jesus as a baby was?
| Rachel | Anna | Salome | Tabitha |
What was the name of the old prophetess who saw Jesus in the temple when he was presented to the Lord after his birth?
| Deborah | Anna | Huldah | Hannah |
To which tribe did Anna the prophetess belong?
| Gad | Asher | Manasseh | Issachar |
How old was Anna the prophetess when she saw Jesus?
| 99 | 100 | 84 | 101 |
When Isaiah describes the desolation of the last days, a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, to the moles and the what?
| Birds | Snakes | Bats | Bears |
According to Isaiah, which bird honours God for providing streams in the desert?
| Stork | Owl | Vulture | Raven |
In the prophecy of Isaiah, where will a little child play in the future?
| The lair of a wolf | The hole of an asp | The cave of a leopard | The den of a lion |