Num 20 - He died on Mount Hor
Who was allowed to survey the Promised Land from Mount Nebo?
| Joshua | Aaron | Joseph | Moses |
How many times a day did Aaron burn incense on the altar of incense?
| Two | Three | One | Four |
Aaron turned his rod into a serpent before Pharaoh, and Pharaoh's magicians did likewise, but what happened to their serpents?
| They fell into dust | They attacked Pharaoh | Aaron's rod swallowed them | They were consumed by fire |
The Ten Commandments were given to Aaron on Mt. Sinai
| False | True |
Moses had a brother called Aaron
| True | False |
The Israelites danced before the golden calf Aaron made
| False | True |
What is the first of the beatitudes given by Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount?
| Blessed are the pure in heart | Blessed are the merciful | Blessed are the meek | Blessed are the poor in spirit |
Who ran from Mount Carmel to Samaria faster than Ahab could drive his chariot?
| Jehu | Josiah | Elijah | Samuel |
What did God ask Abraham to sacrifice to him on Mount Moriah?
| A ram | His wife | His only son | A turtledove |