Gen 2
Fill in the missing word(s) : Glory to God in the highest, and on earth ____, good will toward men.
Who said "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to men"?
| Mary | Elisabeth | Angels | Wise men |
What item does Gideon ask God to put dew on overnight while the earth around it remained dry?
| A hide from a goat | A round cheese | A fleece of wool | A linen cloth |
What did the earth look like in the beginning?
| Covered in a dense jungle | Rocky land and mountains | Without form and empty | Empty with dry deserts |
How was the earth watered initially?
| Mist went up from the earth | The seas and lakes overflowed | Rain fell from the sky | Dew settled on the ground |
Fill in the missing word(s) : Blessed are the _____: for they shall inherit the earth