Rev 12 - It was red
What colour was the dragon in Revelation that had seven heads and ten horns?
| Green | Black | Gold | Red |
In Revelation, unclean spirits came out of the mouth of the dragon, in the form of what animals?
| Scorpions | Lice | Frogs | Goats |
The beast that looked like a leopard in Revelation had what characteristic of a dragon?
| Tail | Mouth | Belly | Feet |
For how many years was the dragon bound in Revelation?
| 144000 | 120 | 1000 | 70 |
Three unclean spirits came out of the dragon's mouth in Revelation, but what did they look like?
| Frogs | Tongues of fire | Serpents | Silver coins |
Seven fat and seven thin of what animals appeared to Pharoah in Egypt?
| Sheep | Goats | Cattle | Horses |
Which of the seven churches in Revelation is listed first?
| Smyrna | Pergamos | Ephesus | Philadelphia |
Name one of the Seven Churches of Revelation
Which of these is one of the seven churches in Revelation?
| Ephesus | Philippi | Thessalonica | Galatia |
Ephesus was one of the seven churches in Revelation
| False | True |