Ps 58 - They are likened to a deaf adder
Who in prayer asked, "Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked"?
Eliphaz compares the wicked to being crushed like what?
| A moth | A serpent | A reed | A stone |
Who was likened to a "great dragon that lies in the midst of the rivers"?
| Herod | Nebuchadnezzar | Caesar | Pharaoh |
What was the wine of other gods likened to?
| Blood of dragons | Wrath of dragons | Fire of dragons | Poison of dragons |
What is it easier for a camel to go through than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?
| Eye of a needle | The gates of Jerusalem | An ear of corn | A thimble |
Which one of the following was the kingdom not likened to?
| Leaven | Fishing Net | Hidden Treasure | Vineyard |
What metal is the tongue of the just likened to?
| Silver | Gold | Bronze | Iron |
Complete the saying: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than......."
| For an ant to climb a mountain | For a poor man to receive honour | For a rich man to enter the kingdom of God | It is to find water in the desert |