2 Sam 6:6-7 - This seemed a harsh punishment for trying to help, but only priests could touch the ark
What did the woman with the issue of blood touch to be made well?
| Jesus' garment | Water in Siloam | A brass serpent | The Ark of the Covenant |
What priestly duty did Uzziah try to do that resulted in his leprosy?
| Carry the ark | Burn incense | Animal sacrifice | Enter the tabernacle |
Uzzah was killed for touching the Ark of God
| False | True |
Whose prayer resulted in his being thrown into a den of lions?
| David | Dagon | Darius | Daniel |
Which king held a banquet on the night of his death, during which he saw writing appear on the wall?
| Belshazzar | Sargon II | Cyrus | Darius II |
Which father came to Jesus to seek help for his little daughter who lay at the point of death?
| Lazarus | Jairus | Simeon | Cornelius |
In which city was Samson imprisoned before his death?
| Ashkelon | Gezer | Gaza | Aphek |
When Moses blessed the tribes before his death, to what animal did he compare Gad?
| Doe | Elephant | Lion | Turtledove |