1 Samuel 1 - very similar to the circumstances of Elisabeth, but without the going up to the temple each year.
Who went up yearly to worship God in Shiloh, and one year prayed to God for a baby?
| Hannah | Esther | Rachel | Deborah |
Who said, "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away the childish things" ?
| Paul | Peter | Jesus | John |
Solomon judged wisely over the rightful mother of a child, but how did he determine who the child belonged to?
| Drew lots | God told him | A witness came forward | Threatened to divide the child |
Who told John not to worship him, and to worship only God?
| Jesus in the book of Revelation | The Lamb in the book of Revelation | The angel in the book of Revelation | The beast in the book of Revelation |
Who does James say is the source of every good and every perfect gift?
| Father of Mercies | Father of Glory | Father of Lights | Father of Spirits |
Who prayed for a child and lent him to the Lord?
| Hannah | Mary | Elisabeth | Sarah |
Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem every year for the Feast of Passover
| True | False |