Zep 2:14 - Part of a prophecy of judgement on the surrounding nations and the destruction of several cities. Nineveh would become a heap of ruins and uninhabited
What is described as entering through the windows "like a thief"?
| Death | Darkness | Sin | Locusts |
Who said that he had become a companion of owls?
| Job | Jonah | Isaiah | Elijah |
Who said "I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls"?
| Job | Elisha | Ishmael | Jeremiah |
Who "wailed like the dragons" and "mourned like the owls" in his lament of the coming judgement on Israel and Judah?
| Malachi | Micah | Joel | Hosea |
In which book does it mention "those that look out of the windows be darkened"?
| Song of Solomon | Ecclesiastes | Proverbs | Lamentations |
Which prophet said, "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son"?
| Daniel | Jeremiah | Ezekiel | Isaiah |