Luke 1:36
In what month of Elisabeth's pregnancy did the angel appear to Mary?
| Fifth | Seventh | Sixth | Fourth |
Who went to the tomb of Jesus with Mary Magdalene and Mary (mother of James) to anoint Jesus?
| Martha | Elizabeth | Joanna | Salome |
What was the name of the angel who appeared twice to Daniel and also to Mary, mother of Jesus?
| Uriel | Raphael | Michael | Gabriel |
Mary, mother of Jesus, was at the wedding in Cana
| True | False |
What relationship was John the Baptist to Jesus?
| Brother | Uncle | Cousin | Nephew |
What relationship was Ruth to Naomi?
| Daughter-in-law | Niece | Daughter | Granddaughter |
How does Genesis describe the relationship between man and woman after their creation?
| They are destined to struggle | They are co-rulers of the earth | They are meant to work separately | They are described as one flesh |
What relationship dynamic between man and woman was altered as a result of the Fall?
| The man would rule over the woman. | They would become equals. | The relationship remained unchanged. | The woman would rule over the man. |
What did Abram tell Sarai to say to the Egyptians about their relationship?
| That they were married | That she was his sister | That she was his servant | That they were strangers |
Which disciple looked after Mary, after the death of Jesus?
| Simon | John | James | Peter |