Mary Magdalene
Mark 16:9
For how many days did Jesus appear to his disciples after his resurrection?
| 40 | 12 | 33 | 7 |
When Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection what did they give him to eat?
| Bread | Lamb | Cheese | Fish |
Who did Mary suppose Jesus to be at first after the resurrection?
| Roman soldier | Milkman | Gardener | Farmer |
For how long did Jesus remain after his resurrection before he ascended into heaven?
| 49 days | 7 days | 40 days | 14 days |
What did Jesus and the disciples have for breakfast when Jesus appeared to them after the resurrection by the Sea of Tiberias?
| Cheese and wine | Pulses | Meat | Bread and fish |
Who of these was first on the scene after resurrection of Christ?
| Mary Magdalene | Simon Peter | Cleopas | Judas Iscariot |
Jesus appeared to his disciples after the resurrection beside which sea?
| Sea of Tiberias | Dead Sea | Sea of Joppa | Red Sea |
What happened to Jesus after the resurrection?
| He went to live in Jerusalem | He went to live with Mary and Martha | He made himself king | He ascended into heaven |
The bodies of believers were raised and then came out of the graves after the resurrection of Jesus?
| True | False |