Gen 4:17
What skill is Tubal-cain, a descendant of Cain, credited with?
| Forging tools of bronze and iron | Building cities | Playing musical instruments | Keeping livestock |
Who was blessed with laughter when her son was born, and named him accordingly?
| Rebekah | Sarah | Rachel | Leah |
What was the name of Cain's firstborn son?
| Irad | Lamech | Enoch | Methushael |
Which king had a wife named Bernice?
| Caligula | Agrippa | Antiochus III | Claudius |
Who after seeing a vision of an angel was struck dumb until his son was born and named?
| Jeremiah | Zechariah | Hezekiah | Athaliah |
God put a mark on Cain to protect him from being killed?
| True | False |
What was Cain's famous response when God asked him where Abel was?
| "I do not know." | "He is not here." | "He has gone away." | "Am I my brother’s keeper?" |
What did God place on Cain to protect him?
| A sign | A blessing | A curse | A mark |
Who had a slave named Onesimus?
| Jude | Titus | Paul | Philemon |