Which major feast coincided with the wheat harvest?
| Tabernacles | Passover | Firstfruits | Pentecost |
Who during the wheat harvest found mandrakes in the field and gave them to Leah?
| Benjamin | Judah | Simeon | Reuben |
Who caused great fear by calling on God to send rain and thunder during the wheat harvest?
| Aaron | Joshua | David | Samuel |
Once the Israelites had entered the Promised Land, what happened in the days after they had celebrated the Passover?
| The Amorites attacked them | Joshua apportioned land to each tribe | God stopped providing manna | The River Jordan began to flow again |
What festival was instituted to celebrate the fact that the Jews were saved?
| Tabernacles | Purim | Passover | Atonement |
When was the festival of Passover established?
| When the children of Israel received the law on Mount Sinai in the wilderness | When Joseph brought his family into the land of Egypt | When Abraham was ready to sacrifice Isaac | When the plague of death of the firstborn was brought upon the land of Egypt |
What was the widow of Zarephath gathering when Elijah first met her?
| Water | Eggs | Wood | Hay |
What was the man gathering on the Sabbath for which he was stoned to death?
| Grapes | Straw | Wood | Barley |
On which day did God create the seas by gathering the waters together?
| 5th | 2nd | 3rd | 4th |
What did Pharaoh's dream of good and bad ears of wheat represent?
| Seven years of famine followed by seven years of plenty | Seven years of drought | Seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine | Seven years of war against their enemies |