Dan 7:9
Who, other than Isaiah, saw the Lord sitting upon his throne in a vision?
| Haggai | Micaiah | Zephaniah | Daniel |
Which Old Testament prophet saw a man seated on a red horse in a vision?
Who did Daniel see sitting in a throne in his vision?
| The Ancient of Days | King Darius | The Lamb of God | An angel |
Jesus was a high priest after the order of which ancient king, mentioned in Psalm 110?
| Asa | David | Melchizedek | Jehoshaphat |
Joseph seated his brothers at his table in Egypt in order of their age?
| True | False |
Once the Israelites had entered the Promised Land, what happened in the days after they had celebrated the Passover?
| The Amorites attacked them | The River Jordan began to flow again | God stopped providing manna | Joshua apportioned land to each tribe |
Who fasted for 40 days upon Mt Sinai?
| Jesus | Elijah | Moses | David |
In which city was David's throne over Israel?
| Jerusalem | Bethlehem | Jericho | Joppa |
What animals were carved on Solomon's throne?
| Bears | Lions | Leopards | Eagles |