Exodus 30:24-25
What type of animal was used in the cleansing ceremony of a leprous house?
| Lamb | Ox | Snake | Bird |
What was to be taken from the widow as payment for her debt before Elisha miraculously provided the oil instead?
| Her children | Her farm | Her sheep | Her house |
Who did Samuel anoint as the first King of Israel?
| Jonathan | Saul | Joshua | David |
Who went to the tomb of Jesus with Mary Magdalene and Mary (mother of James) to anoint Jesus?
| Salome | Joanna | Martha | Elizabeth |
What instruments did the priests sound to cause the destruction of Jericho?
Who, at the trial of Peter and John, kept them from being punished by the rulers and priests?
| The healed lame man | Paul | Stephen | High priest |
What did Jesus say the priests had turned his house of prayer into?
| A house of evil | A temple of drunkards | A den of thieves | A place of rogues |
How many priests were chosen to carry the rams' horns as they marched round Jericho?
| 70 | 3 | 7 | 14 |
What does the Bible say Judas "received" from the chief priests and Pharisees to enable him to help arrest Jesus?
| A band of men and officers | A legion of Roman soldiers | The chief leaders of the people | A multitude of the common people |