The mother of Sisera
Judges 5:28
Which prophet, disturbed by King Saul's disobedience, cried all night to the Lord?
| Nathan | Elijah | Jehu | Samuel |
Whose mother sat by a window and cried because her son hadn't returned?
| Ishamel | Achan | Sisera | Saul |
How many rods did Joab thrust through Absalom's heart while he was hanging in the tree?
| Four | One | Three | Two |
How many darts did Joab thrust through the heart of Absalom?
| Two | One | Four | Three |
What did God rain down on the Amorite army as they passed through Beth-Horon, killing more of them than the Israelite army did?
| Fire and brimstone | Quails | Hailstones | Boiling rain |
Which king of Hesbon would not let the Israelites pass through his land?
| Bashan | Jahaz | Sihon | Og |
What is it easier for a camel to go through than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?
| A thimble | An ear of corn | Eye of a needle | The gates of Jerusalem |
Fill in the missing word(s) : Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of _____