Genesis 2:11-12 - The Pishon river encircles Havilah, a land noted for its gold, bdellium, and onyx stone.
How many rivers did the river in Eden split into once it left the garden?
| Two | Four | Three | Five |
The river that flowed out of Eden divided into four rivers
| True | False |
Moses led the children of Israel over the river Jordan into the Promised Land
| False | True |
Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land by crossing the River Nile
| True | False |
After sending messages from Kadesh, the king of which land refused the Israelites passage to the Promised Land?
| Edom | Sihon | Ammon | Bashan |
Which king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel went to Jerusalem and stole gold, silver, vessels, treasures and took hostages?
| Jehu | Jehoash | Jeroboam II | Zechariah |
Which king had a feast using the gold and silver vessels from the temple in Jerusalem?
| Belshazzar | Nebuchadnezzar | Darius | Cyrus |