Genesis 3:10 - Adam hid from God out of fear because he realized his nakedness and sin.
What type of clothing did God make for Adam and Eve after the Fall?
| Garments of wool | Garments of linen | Garments of skin | Garments of fig leaves |
Who did God directly question first after the Fall?
| Adam | Eve | The serpent | The angels |
The firstborn of Adam and Eve was called Abel?
| True | False |
After Jesus called Simon and Andrew to follow him, which town's synagogue did they go into?
| Gennesaret | Capernaum | Nazareth | Cana |
What did God say would be the woman's increased pain as a result of the Fall?
| Childbearing | Walking | Eating | Sleeping |
How did God describe the ground after Adam's sin?
| Cursed | Fruitful | Neutral | Blessed |
How many days after sending out the first dove did Noah wait before sending it out again?
| Three days | Ten days | Forty days | Seven days |
What immediate consequence did Adam and Eve face after eating the forbidden fruit?
| Their eyes were opened, and they realized they were naked. | They were banished from the garden immediately. | They forgot God's command. | They died instantly. |
How did Adam and Eve attempt to cover their nakedness after their sin?
| They sewed fig leaves together. | They used animal skins. | They wove grass mats. | They hid behind trees. |