A covenant
Genesis 6:18 - God promised to establish a covenant with Noah, a key moment that ensured the survival of humanity and animals through the flood.
What did God say to Noah, after the flood, would now be the food for humans, in addition to plants?
| Every moving thing that lives | Only clean animals | Only animals that they could tame | Only birds and fish |
What important principle did God establish by the creation of man and woman?
| Love for others | Marriage for life | Working together | Caring for nature |
How many days did God give Noah to prepare before the floodwaters came after announcing he would send rain?
| Seven days | Ten days | Three days | Forty days |
What did God say to Noah He would require an accounting for?
| The lifeblood of every creature | The behaviour of each person | All the fruits of the land | The use of every animal |
How long did Noah live for after the flood?
| 350 years | 400 years | 450 years | 300 years |
How long did it rain for during the flood that Noah experienced?
| 30 days and 30 nights | 7 days and 7 nights | 150 days and 150 nights | 40 days and 40 nights |
What occupation did Noah take up after the flood?
| He became a builder | He became a fisherman | He became a shepherd | He became a farmer |
It rained for ____ days and nights causing a great flood in the time of Noah
Which Book ...records the great flood in the time of Noah?
| Genesis | Psalms | Exodus | Ezekiel |